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The very new “first” two kilometers

29 / 09 / 2021

Such an incredible amount of things that have passed since my last blog post here. Some of them were sad and others were joyful. There were some accidents of such importance that they would be able to turn the course of whole my life in any of the possible directions. And along with them there were thousands of small daily accomplishments.

However, I won’t be able to tell everything in one post, even if I make it as a mega-longread 😉

But I will start small, I’ll tell you about my achievements for today. And today I have something to be proud of.

First, I finally got out for a run. Yes, yes, these are the very new “first” two kilometers, from which everything begins. Maybe it would be necessary to keep silent about this, so as not to jinx it, but after all, my age is already such that it does not allow referring to excuses ala the evil eye or “a conspiracy of a secret world government” …

So I ran 2 kilometers. 🙂 Only two, or almost two… But I ran. And I would like to do it every evening. Let’s see.

And secondly, I am writing this.

Despite the long break I begin writing in my diary again. I have accumulated enough of everything that I would like to share with my casual reader, or just so much that does not fit already inside me and I just need to pour it out, let these be here 🙂

So let’s go to my new chellenge:
one day – one blogpost – two more running kilometers


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